ISN-KDIGO Webinar: Symptom-Based Complications in Dialysis

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Patients undergoing long-term dialysis report a high burden of symptoms and patients place a high priority on symptom relief. Yet, most symptoms are not recognized by healthcare practitioners and when recognized, are not treated adequately. The KDIGO Controversies Conference on Symptom-Based Complications addressed range of approaches to elicit symptoms, how to prioritize symptoms targeted for relief, shared decision-making to select non-pharmacologic or pharmacologic treatment, and the need for structural changes in care delivery to improve health outcomes 

Learning objectives:

- To understand the burden and consequences of symptoms experienced by patients undergoing long-term dialysis
- To learn how to engage in shared decision-making to select the treatment approach for symptom relief
- To understand the structural changes in healthcare delivery needed to mitigate symptom burden experienced by patients

Further reading: 

- Managing the symptom burden associated with maintenance dialysis: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference – DOI: 10.1016/j.kint.2023.05.019

Edwina Brown


Rajnish Mehrotra



ISN-KDIGO Webinar: Symptom-Based Complications in Dialysis
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